jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

Aprendiendo lenguas extranjeras. Consejos

Para los que buscan consejos para mejorar el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera que se estudia, aquí hay algunos artículos que muestran diferentes estrategias. Los artículos son en inglés.

10 Tips for Language Learning Success
Contenidos del artículo:
1. Set realistic expectations
2. Break study time into smaller chunks
3. Learn vocabulary effectively
4. Practice language actively
5. Do homework conscientiously
6. Form study groups
7. Identify your learning style
8. Maximize your language exposure
9. Spend time on task
10. Communicate with your instructor

15 Language Learning Resources at Your Fingertips
Contenidos del artículo:
1. Find a pen pal
2. Rent and watch a foreign film
3. Read or watch foreign news online
4. Find native speakers in your community
5. Join or start a conversation group
6. Visit an ethnic restaurant
7. Find a book or magazine in your library
8. Use a foreign language search engine to explore your interests
9. Join a foreign language discussion board
10. Visit a foreign language chat room
11. Plan a trip
12. Study abroad

Learning a Language - The Basics
Contenidos del artículo:
Study Little Often
Do Not Run before You Can Walk
Look for Partners with Similar Interests
Do Not Expect to Feel Progress all the Time
Make as Many Mistakes as You Can
Enjoy yourself

Y ya publicados en el blog de Babelan en inglés

Improving foreign languages skills - Language exchange

Success with Foreign Languages: Seven who achieved it and what worked for them

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